
Rudder Cut Cay, A Piano and A Mermaid

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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Friday morning us and our friends headed north to Rudder Cut Cay.  We have been wanting to stop here for the snorkeling.  Off of Musha Cay which is owned by Magician David Copperfield is a sculpture.  He had it made and sunk by Rudder Cut Cay.  The sculpture is a Mermaid playing the Piano.

Rudder Cut

Upon arriving Dave was dropping the anchor when our windlass remote gave out.  He had to rig it to get the anchor down.  Once he did that we decided that we should only stay the night and head to Staniel Cay in the morning.  Our part for the water maker is arriving there.  Originally we were going to stop at several places on the way there.  With the issues with remote, we didn’t want to get stuck not getting the anchor up.  Going to Staniel Cay would allow us time to work on getting the windlass remote hopefully fixed.


The next morning we picked up our friends and headed over to the sculpture.  The current was pretty intense.  Once you stopped kicking within seconds you were back to were you started.  It was exhausting but worth it.  The sculpture was really cool and Dave was able to make it down to the piano and hold on for a few moments while Andre snapped his picture. Unfortnulay I didn’t get it on film.  I got several attempts of his but not when he made it down there.  After that, we all headed back to the boat to go to the next spot.   There are a few other spots you can snorkel but we were all so exhausted.  After discussing it we decided not to go.  We dropped off our friends at their boat and pulled up anchor heading to Staniel Cay.  

On our way to Staniel Cay, we got a note that our water maker part wouldn’t be in till later that week so we decided to pull into Black Point.  We have not been here before and it was very close to Staniel Cay.  Dave felt he could rig up the windlass here so we pulled in.  Can’t wait to check out this new spot.  The best coconut bread in The Bahamas is supposed to be made here and I can’t wait.  

Enjoy the video below and have a great week!
