back up and running again

We’re Back!!

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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Wow!  It has been too too long since I have posted on the blog.  We’re Back!! Finally!  I will have more posts and videos to share in the upcoming days and weeks.  As many of you know I had a complete computer meltdown.  It just didn’t turn on one morning and everything we tried failed.  I was just able to get it to an Apple technician to find out that there was no hope of repair.

Well, I shouldn’t say that.  They said we could send it in and for $750 they thought they could repair it.  But, for another $750 we could get a brand new computer that was updated and had more “everything” in it.  That was the way to go.  I was already struggling with my current computer to edit videos and get them on the blog.  Unfortunately, I lost a lot of the content that I was working on.   It was so devastating because I had just finished writing a bunch of posts and had started on a couple of videos.  That truly was the hardest part of all this mess.  It is deflating to go through so much work and then wake up one day and it all be gone.  Well, enough about the sad news We’re Back!!

What’s Going On Now

So, here I am now finally with a new computer and back on the blog.  A lot has gone on since we have been away from the blog.  I hope you and your family are well.  In the upcoming posts, I will be sharing what we did during the shutdown and more.  But, for the next couple of months, I am going to take you on land.  This season with everything going on, we decided to head back to the states, pull the boat out, and put it on the hard. This leaves us homeless, so we are traveling in an RV for the hurricane season.  We are super excited, not only do we get to see the U.S. but we get to see a lot of our family that we haven’t been able to see the last couple of years.

We would love to have you follow along as we tour the national parks, but if you are only interested in our sailing blogs come back in October for more sailing.  We will head back to the boat but in the meantime, you can also click here to see our last sailing blog post



2 Comments on “We’re Back!!

  1. Welcome back. I did miss you. I enjoy reading about your adventures..
    Keep them coming.
    Mona Meurer
    P.S. travel safe.

  2. So glad to hear from you both. I hope Michigan is on your list of travels! I love you, Aunt Carol

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