
Hurricanes And A New Pacemaker

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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You’re probably thinking what an odd title for a blog post  What do the two of them have in common?  Well,  I have not been posting very regularly lately and have been absent for a bit because of Hurricanes and a New Pacemaker.  Let me explain…


At the end of August after returning from the survey on a boat we almost bought, Hurricane Harvey hit the Houston area.  Which is where we currently live.  While we escaped any damage or flooding we had many friends who did not.  Dave’s office building was severely damaged, making his new office our home for the foreseeable future.  Most of Houston and Surrounding areas were under water for a few days to several weeks.  Some areas are just finally drying out.
This was devasting to our city, but our city is a pretty amazing place to live and people are rallying together to help the city heal and bounce back.  After a couple weeks things were opening up and it is almost business as usual.  There are many people we know who are living in an apartment or hotel while they rebuild their lives after losing a lot of their things or all of their things. Our prayers go out to them.
After Harvey there was Irma and Maria, oh and a Jose in their as well.  These storms devastated many islands in the Caribbean and Florida.  We spend a lot of time in the Carribean and we were so sad to see all the devastation and thankful that the people we know are safe and have already begun rebuilding.  The Carribean relies on tourism for survival and I have not doubt they will come back and they will be stronger than ever.  So, don’t count them out and cancel plans but instead go if you already have reservations and help these amazing places rebuild.

New Pacemaker

Right smack in the middle of all of this I tore my pacemaker lead in my heart and had to get two new leads and a new pacemaker.  Spending 7 days in the hospital and then the lengthy recovery was not on our current calendar.  My pacemaker was old and was going to be replaced this year.  We were planning on scheduling it when it worked best for us.  Isn’t it funny how life never really works on a schedule or the way you planned something?  Either way, it worked out and I am feeling amazing and so happy to be through it.  I still have to be careful for a few more weeks with my arm so my leads can become more stable in my heart.  By, the end of October I will be good as new.

So, now you understand a little more about Hurricanes and a New Pacemaker!

Have a great weekend,