
Our Stop in Olympic National Park

Last Updated on September 2, 2024 by Jill

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We headed out from Leavenworth early.  On the road by 830 am.  We were going to head to Crater Lake first but as I mentioned in our previous post we changed our mind and decided on a different route.  So this post is Our Stop in Olympic National Park.  We had a beautiful drive to the park.  We decided to try and stay at a campground inside the park.  It is first come first serve so we were hoping there was a spot left


Pulled into the campsite and found a site that would fit us perfectly.  The only trouble was it was terribly unlevel.  It took us quite a while to level the RV and a lot of blocks to do it.  Once we got situated we relaxed a little bit, walked the dogs around the campground. We decided to see if we could find some clam chowder.  It was a cool afternoon and seemed like the perfect day for it.  Headed into town and found a restaurant that had great reviews on their chowder.  Got a table but unfortunately, they were out of their chowder for the day.  Bummer!  O’ well the food was still great.

Dave worked most of the next day and in the afternoon we ran a few errands and stopped at Downriggers restaurant.  Another attempt for some clam chowder.  Success!!  It was delicious.  After getting back to the RV we decided to do the Heart of the Hills trail.  The beautiful trail was full of some really big trees.

After that, we drove up to the top of Hurricane Ridge.  The views were breathtaking.  There we also found out more detail as to why the Hurricane ridge trail was closed.  They closed it to remove goats.  They are actually relocating them as they are not native to Olympic National Park.  So, they are trying to translocate as many of them as they can to the Washington Cascades where they are native.  This will also help the depleted population in the Washington Cascades. It is actually quite interesting how they are doing it all.  You can click here for more information on it

The next morning it was off to our next spot around Olympic Park to see some other sites.  Unfortunately, all of the campgrounds were either booked or closed due to COVID.  So, we will come back again another time.  We headed farther south and stayed in a little town called Raymond on the Willapa River.   Stayed in a nice RV park and had a delicious pizza and some good beer at Willapa Brewing their local brewery and pizza stop.  Tomorrow we go on a cheese tour.

