
What’s Been Going On With Us!

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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My last post was originally scheduled for August 23rd. I decided to hold off on it until we returned from our trip and then all kinds of stuff happened and it never got posted. It has been a month since my last post now and I am sorry it’s been so long. I have several posts coming up explaining everything we have been going through and dealing with, so please check back for more posts.
Our Last Month
To give you an intro into whats been going during the month we went from Miami bound to do a survey on a boat, to preparing for Hurricane Harvey, Surviving Hurricane Harvey, the aftermath and then a new pacemaker and leads for me. Yeah, it’s been a crazy month and for most of it, I have been trying to recover and focus on my health. I am finally better to where I am able to email and get out and about….Boy! was I starting to go stir crazy! It’s great to be back posting topics again, I have a lot of things I have been thinking about.
Each of the events during the month requires a bit more attention then combining them all in this email so I am currently working on that. I imagine most of you read this and immediately are wondering if we are now boat owners??? Stay tuned for my next email on our trip to Miami.
I hope this note finds you well and safe(especially if you suffered from one of the three major hurricanes to hit in the last month).  The devastation is so sad, looking at all the places in the Caribbean, Florida and our home city of Houston easily brings you to tears. Good news is people are really working hard to bring back their communities and come back stronger.
Stay safe,
