
South West Allen Cay

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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We woke up to another beautiful day!  Today we originally started heading to Highborne Cay but as we were sailing we found another little island that we thought we could sail up to it first, check it out and then head back to Highborne for the late afternoon and evening.  So we all agreed and decided to head to South West Allen Cay.

South West Allen Cay

South West Allen Cay is a pretty neat little spot.  It is a small island that is close to Leaf Cay and Allen’s Cay. It can be tricky to get into the little beach area so make sure you are paying attention to the depth and boats around you.  There were several boats that were already anchored when we got there and a couple that came in and anchored while we were there.  We did see a couple boats that circled in and left.  We were glad to see them leave because it was getting tight and we didn’t want to have issues trying to get out of the Cove.  SW Allen Cay is not inhabited by humans, that is or at least none that we saw.


The neat thing about this Cay is they have lots of Iguanas.  In the Bahamas, Iguanas are a protected species so you are not allowed to feed them or try and pet them and certainly don’t mess with them.  Plus, they may bite and who wants to deal with an iguana bite.  Not me, no thank you1  I will keep my distance.  Plus we aren’t there to harass or bother them but just to enjoy their beauty and uniqueness.  There all sizes and we saw a lot of them which was really neat.  They are curious and when you walk onto the beach they come out of their hiding spot and can get close but they never got close enough that we got worried.  they mostly just see what you are all about and then watch you until you leave or get bored and go back to their hiding spots.

This was a great stop and we were all super excited that we noticed it on the map. Well, It was getting hot on the beach and we decided to leave so that we could get a good spot to anchor at Highborne Cay and hopefully pick where we wanted to anchor. So, off we went to Highborne.  Check out the video of the Iguanas!!

Iguanas of South West Allen Cay from Jill on Vimeo.
