
Toilet Paper-A Product Review

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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If you have ever sailed on a boat internationally with a charter you know that they have you put your toilet paper in a garbage bag and you are not allowed to throw it in the toilet. They do this for a reason, in some places your waste gets dumped directly overboard (BVI for one). Since you will be dumping that paper into the ocean, which may not biodegrade you have to throw it in a garbage bag in your bathroom. I think it is the least appealing part of boating. We find it pretty gross, to be honest. It can also clog toilets which can be bad news especially if you have only one toilet. A clogged toilet will definitely affect your trip. If you are on a charter, you will have to go back to the base to have it fixed. More time lost. If you are a liveaboard, you have to unclog it yourself.

We have been discussing lots of different things regarding when we get our own boat and one of them is toilet paper. We both do not want to live aboard a boat and have to put toilet paper in a bag. It is gross, I think I already said that but it is. This is where a toilet paper review came in.

We decided to order as many different types as we could find online or locally and test them out. When we decided to do the comparison I thought it would be great to share on the blog. Let us know if there is a toilet paper that we don’t have on here or what one do you use in your boat? So, with no further ado this is what we tested and our results.

Toliet Paper Brands

The Toliet Paper brands that we tested.
1. Scott Rapid Dissolving Tissue
2. Angel Soft
3. Kirkland (Costco Brand) Bath Tissue
4. Thetford RV/Marine Toilet Tissue
5. Camco RV/Marine Toilet Tissue
6. Thetford Aqua Soft

The Test

So how did we do the test, easy peasy. I filled six bowls with water and dropped a perfectly torn tissue into its according bowl. Next, I let it sit for 30 seconds and then lightly tested it with a fork to see its dissolvability. I then let them each soak for 5 minutes to test how they would dissolve after sitting in a holding tank. I was pretty pleased with the results.  We had 3 that all reacted pretty much the same, and then one that sort of dissolved a little and two that just clumped up into a wad. I am very happy that we have several good ones to choose from.  If you can’t locate one brand during your travels you will hopefully be able to find one of the three options we list below. Of these 6 that we tested, we recommend the following…

1. Aqua Soft by Thetford
2. Scott Rapid Dissolving Tissue
3. Angel Soft

Have you done a similar test, what were your results? Did I miss a brand of toilet paper, let me know? Post in the comment section below on what you have used or tried so we can all keep learning.
