
Boat Haul out in Grenada

Last Updated on September 1, 2024 by Jill

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Yep, you guessed it another week of flashing back to the islands.  This week it’s our Flashback Friday: Boat Haul out in Grenada.

After several days of Carnival, we vegged out for a couple of days and then moved over to prickly bay on Friday.  We spent the weekend here and on Monday our boat was hauled out and put on the hard for about a week or so we hope.

Hauled Out

You are probably wondering why we have pulled the boat out?  What projects do we need to do that require the boat out of the water?  There are a couple of projects.  The big thing is to get two seacocks replaced.  All of the others are brand new in our boat but those two.   We just felt it was time to replace them.  While we are out on the hard we will have the bottom paint updated and miscellaneous projects that will keep us busy. 

The great thing is Spice Island Marine has air-conditioned apartments you can rent.   It’s in the boatyard so don’t have to walk far In the heat after working on your boat all day.  The pups are loving the A.C and Sadie is loving the floor not moving.  She is not a fan of the rolling on the boat but enjoys being at anchor.  Izzy doesn’t mind any of it and I think really enjoys the boat and watching for fish.  But, not this week, this week they will relax in air conditioning.

Another issue develops

As the week carried on we learned that our rudder was not drying out, they tried several different tactics.  They all failed and after several discussions with the yard, the decision was made to open it up completely to dry it out.  Once opening it they realized the interior was so saturated it all had to be pulled out.  They decided to improve what was there, so we will be here another week.  We want it done right, we already had it rebuilt before leaving St. Augustine, FL and it is obvious they did a poor job.  Hopefully, this will permanently solve the problem.  I have included a few pictures of the dogs, the haulout, and pictures of the rudder repair work.

