Exciting News

Exciting News To Share!!

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Well, After a year of searching we finally have Exciting News To Share!!  Today we are closing on our boat.  This has been an up and down journey but we are finally here.

I am so excited!!  I can’t wait to see the boat.  There will be another post on the boat with pictures and more details.  But, I haven’t even seen it in person yet!  Crazy right, well not too crazy as my husband saw it when we had the survey done.  I wasn’t able to go because it was during the holidays and we had prior obligations.  He flew out to the boat the day before the survey, went to the survey and I picked him up the next night in another city on the way to see family for the holidays.  It has defiantly been a whirlwind with this boat.

Buying A Boat During The Holidays

Buying a boat during the holidays is not something I recommend but sometimes it just can’t be helped when you find a boat.  One of the big issues we ran into with buying a boat during the holidays was marina closures.  The marina where the boat was currently at closes during the holidays from December 22-January 2.  Which is great so they can spend time with their families.   However, it put us into a real crunch to get the survey done before they closed up and still have plenty of time to evaluate the survey and reply to the sellers with our concessions.  It was tight but we managed to get it all taken care of and came to an agreement just after the new year.

So, we are heading to boat closing today…Actually, we left last night and my mom came down to sit the pups for us.  THANKS, A BUNCH WE REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!  We want the pups to see the new boat but there is just too much going on to have to worry about them as well.  They would rather be at home playing outside.  There will be plenty of time for them to check the boat out when it arrives here.

I hope you enjoyed reading the exciting news we had to share!!  More on the survey process for this boat, where we bought it, and details on the boat itself to come.  Stay tuned…

Have a great weekend,
