
Under Contract Again….Another Survey

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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We are under contract again, so we are heading to another survey.  Ok…Ok…this post is coming a little late, so you already know if you read the previous post that we bought the boat.  I still wanted to post a little bit about the survey, how things went and who we used.


This time we used Robert Eldridge of RJE Marine Services.  He has been a surveyor for more than 15 years.  I was not at this survey due to other commitments but Dave really liked him and thought he was very thorough.  If you’re looking for a surveyor I would give him a call.  He emailed us the survey within a few days.  It took a little longer than normal due to the holidays.  He wasn’t able to get the oil samples back as quickly as he normally did.  We knew this would be the case so we expected the delay.

The Survey

As with all surveys, the point is to find something right?  Well, he did! but what he found in this survey was a better situation for us than what was found in the last boat survey.  The issues that he found weren’t deal breakers or things we couldn’t handle.  As long as the owners were willing to come down again on their price to offset these new findings we would still be good to go.

Some of the things he did find were issues with the generator, it started but died shortly after startup and wouldn’t start again.  It has low oil and the oil in it needed to be changed.  The sail drive needed a full-service maintenance.  Oh!  when they pulled out the headsail it parted at the top and the mainsail didn’t look much better.  Both sails were shot!  There were other things as well but that’s some of the main issues he found.


Now, that we have the survey completed and reviewed, it was time to renegotiate.  We went through the survey pulling out the big items that were safety issues or expensive to fix.  Once our list was made we priced each item out.  This price list helps us to come up with a number to give to the broker.  What we decided to do was list all of the items for the broker and explain to him why we would be changing our price.

He actually never got our email and after several days Dave called and we had to resend it 3 times in order for it to go through.  Crazy, but it happens.  The wait which I thought was going to be several days ended up only being several hours.  We went back and forth several times and finally came to an agreement.  YIPPEEE!!  We still have a boat to buy!  Next step was to close in a couple weeks.

More details on the boat itself in upcoming posts!!
