
Updating and Changing….Check it Out!

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Not sure if you have kept up with this blog on a regular basis, but there have been some changes.  A couple of months ago  I lost my host provider and had to change hosts and in the process, lost some of my content.  Not a lot and I was able to rewrite it.  With that change, I decided to update the look of my website as well.  I made some changes added some things and removed a few things.  However, that was not to be the end of my updating and changing.

I have been having problems with my new theme almost from the beginning, but within a couple months they did an update and I was no longer able to make changes to my website.  Frustrating…they said they were working on it.  Then all of a sudden on their next update to fix the current issue another issue appears.  Ads about their theme all over my front page with no fix to the first issue.  They said there were working on that too.  Then I found out you just had to add this one little plugin and it would be fixed.  Did that……Didn’t work. I decided that this was only going to continue and time to find a better theme.  So…I did and I am super excited about it.

You are looking at the new and improved Another Adventure website.  Let me know what you think.  You might be wondering what is new?  Well, I have added a products we love page, I have added google maps (which will be replaced with our inreach once we get the boat here).  I have also added at the bottom of the page (and on the sidebar of the blog) a place where you can sign up to get an email every time I add a new post.  Anywhooo, check it out, I would love to hear what you think.  Post a comment down below!



2 Comments on “Updating and Changing….Check it Out!

  1. It was wonderful to see you both and I really enjoy reading your blog. Love you Aunt Carol

    1. It was so great to see you guys as well!! So glad you enjoy the blog! Just updated it a bit so it should be a little more user-friendly. Now you can also subscribe your email at the bottom of the blog. When I send out a new post you get an email. Hope the weather has warmed up in Florida for your remaining visit.
      Love you! Jill

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