
Our New Project-Boat Update

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Well, finally we have our boat.  As promised here are some more details on her… She is not perfect but she is perfect for us.  There is a lot that we want to make her fit us better, and she is a bit of a project boat.  A project boat is great for us because we were able to get her at a better price.   This also enables us to do things that will work the best for us and our cruising needs.  You’re probably wondering what kind of boat we bought, and I guess I might not have gone into that detail.  She is a Bavaria 50′ with a master cabin in the bow and two aft cabins in the stern.  The layout works the best for our needs and we will probably turn one of the aft cabins into a storage/work area.

First Trip

First, we have to take care of some of the issues we knew about when we bought her.  Before we bring her home we are getting new sails made (during the survey when we put the headsail up it parted at the top).  The bottom is being blasted and repainted.  This boat has a saildrive and we are having a full maintenance done on it, it didn’t look like that had been done in a while.  The rudder is hard to turn so we are having it completely rebuilt.  While we are having those things done we are doing some of our own maintenance.

The first visit we changed the oil in the engine and generator. We also cleaned the interior and got rid of a ton of stuff that was left on the boat and we couldn’t salvage.  I didn’t get to go through the whole boat because we ran out of time (short trip).  Next time!  There were a couple leaks so we temporally fixed them.  I am sure I am forgetting some things but it was a very productive trip.

Next Trip

Next trip we will change the fuel filters.   I will also finish the cleanout on everything I can.   We decided some things we will remove once we get the boat home.   The radar on this boat is not currently working so we going to tackle that task as well.  Only one large battery was on the boat so, we ordered more and had them delivered so we can install them.  We need to measure a bunch of items and do other things as well that I can’t think of.  No doubt another hopefully productive trip this weekend.

The sitters are here and we will head to the boat later today.  I am super excited to be heading back to the boat, hopefully, we will have her here by mid to end of March.  I am hoping to get some better pictures of her to share with you so stay tuned…

Have a great weekend,
