

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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When I left off a couple weeks ago I told you we managed to get the house up for sale by the skin of our teeth. It was a huge task, more than we imagined but we are Officially For Sale!! And Under Contract!!

You read that right, under contract. The house went up for sale late Tuesday afternoon and by 5:00 pm we had two showings scheduled for that night. We were so excited!!! By 10:00 pm Tuesday night we got a note from our realtor that we were going to be getting an offer first thing in the morning! WOW!!! This is awesome, but that isn’t even all of it


We had 4-5 showings scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday and by 900am Wednesday had our first offer and word of a second offer coming in. Talk about crazy! We were told our house would sell fast and hoped it would but we never expected this fast or with several offers. Our realtor put out the word that all offers had to be in by 700pm Thursday night.

We received a total of 5 offers within 48 hours of being up for sale. After receiving them and going through them together we discussed them with our realtor and picked the best one that seemed the most solid. By Friday at 1200pm we were officially under contract. The home inspector was scheduled to be at our house by 400pm that day. Things were moving along QUICKLY to say the least. We had agreed to close in 28 days and were now in a rush to get everything sold, packed up and moved to the boat.

Garage Sales

After having 2 successful garage sales we decided that we would do one more 2 weeks prior to close.   This would help get the last of everything that we could sold. Dave managed to sell all of our furniture through Craigslist or family and friends. The house was getting empty fast. After 5 days of being under contract we got an offer on our entire bedroom set and sold it. The next couple of weeks we spent sleeping on air mattresses. Not the most fun but we knew there was an end in sight, it was all part of the boat transition.

A funny side story to our air mattress setup….We had a nice air mattress that fit inside a blow up frame so you weren’t right on the floor. It slept pretty decent, but it was not to last. About a week into sleeping on it, the dogs got really rambunctious and popped the frame.  It popped right at the seam. It was not repairable. We tried several things including blowing up another air mattress and stacking them on top of each other.  Nothing else worked as well. So, in the end the little small air mattress was on the floor.  The dogs loved that they could both get on it so easy. Our old bedroom set was quite high up and was harder for them to get on. The new setup made for interesting sleeping. Or should I say lack of sleeping.

Well, I better run lots still going on here,
