
Finishing Projects and Our First Big Passage

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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So,  we are back from Kemah in the Galveston Marina, finishing up a few things and then we are off!  We are heading out of Texas for Florida.  This will be the biggest passage that Dave and I have done. We are super excited and a little nervous also.  I think that is probably good though.  We are going 500 miles and we complete it without stopping.  Dave and I traded off on the night shifts doing about 3 hours each and then the other would sleep.  It was rough at first getting into a grove but once we did it got a little easier.  We were pretty excited to sleep through the night when we got to Panama City I am not going to lie, that was really nice.

I put together another video of our adventure.  I was hoping to have a bit more but we had a sick puppy almost the entire way.  Izzy picked up a bug in Galveston just before we left and had a rough trip.  As soon as we got to Panama City we took her in and got her some meds.  She is doing better now.  Sadie was a trooper she got a little scared at night and did not go up front at all but she seemed to enjoy it.  She even used the Astroturf we bought for them to poop and pee on.  It took her a day or so before she was comfortable but then she got used to it and used it the whole trip.

Anyway, check it out, I am hoping the audio is better this time.  Doing videos is a huge learning curve for me.  I have always done photography but not a lot in the way of videos.  This is my second video so it’s all a learning process.  Hopefully getting better!



3 Comments on “Finishing Projects and Our First Big Passage

  1. Enjoyed the.video. Good to hear from you all. Love you, aunt carol how long did it take you to get there?

    1. Hi Aunt Carol, Sorry for the late response. It took us about 4 and a half days sailing straight through. We didn’t stop anywhere. It was a pretty good first passage for us. Love you

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