Sailing - Locations

UPDATE: Where we’re at and what we’re up to

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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I have been SOOO behind on writing and posting videos.  We have been burning the midnight oil (so to speak) for some time.  I try to sit down and put something together but I am too exhausted or get writer’s block.  So, today I thought I needed to get something to you all so you knew what’s going on.  I decided to do an update on where we’re at and what we’re up to.  Unfortunately no video this week.  I have several of them but haven’t been able to get them finalized.  They are coming.

Where We’re At

We are still in Biloxi, MS. We hope to be leaving here soon just waiting on a good weather window and finishing up on a few things.  What we have been up to is a little more than a one sentence answer, so here goes.

What We’re Up To

In order for us to move on, we have had a lot of projects, updates, and repairs that needed to be done to the boat.  Hurricane Micheal really changed a lot of things for us.  Not that we can complain we got out of the path, unlike a lot of other people who lost everything.  What I mean, is that we were fortunate in Panama City.  We had our trailer that had our tools and really all our things right there in the parking lot.  Now, it sits on Dave’s brother’s property (which we are thankful for) almost 5 hours away.  That makes things a little more difficult.

I took the truck up there and went through the trailer.  I tried to get everything we needed to finish projects and what we wanted to keep on the boat.  There have been things on the boat that we both decided didn’t need to be here so I took those items back to the trailer.

Over Thanksgiving, we took and left the truck and trailer at Dave’s Dad’s place, where they will stay until we get back.


Another big item that had to be fixed was our anchor light.  This light shines at night so when you are anchored other boats can see your boat.  It is VERY IMPORTANT for this to be in working condition.  Ours did not work when we bought the boat and we have had it on our list from the beginning.  I am happy to report after 3 trips up the mast and some considerable time up there,  we officially have a working anchor light and it is a really great feeling.  In the end, the old anchor light had to come down and I installed a new one.


That is a little update on us and just a few of the things we have been doing.   I am still working on new foam and fabric for all our cushions down below.  A job that is taking longer than I like but I think it will look great when it is all done.  Dave has been working on a lot of the bigger projects like getting the watermaker working, solar panels, batteries, etc.  The weather has not been the best here, with days and nights in the low 30’s.  This has made it more difficult for us to complete some of our projects.  It is definitely time to get moving to warmer weather.  The Bahamas are calling and we are hoping to be on our way soon.

In the meantime, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and enjoy your weekend,
