
A New Camera and A Visitor!!

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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I am super excited!  not only are we getting a new camera but we have a visitor coming.  That visitor is my sister Katie.  I am so excited to see her.  It has been too long and I can’t wait to show her the Bahamas.  She will be joining us in Georgetown.  The great part is she has never been to The Bahamas.  Another bonus is that she is bringing us a new camera!  You may remember our good camera got waterlogged when we snorkeled the Aquarium.  Super excited.  Can’t wait for her to arrive.  She isn’t here for a long visit but we are going to make the best of every day.

Katie Arrives in Georgetown.

She arrived in the afternoon and we picked her up at the market.  The winds were pretty decent so we had a bit of a wet ride back to the boat from the harbor.  She got settled and made our plans for the next few days. There is a buffet and band at the hotel Peace and Plenty tonight.   We planned to pick up another sailor on our way into dinner.

All in all, it was a nice night out and about until we had to head back to the boat.  The winds had really picked up so we had to go really slow.  All of us were drenched from the waves splashing us.  We told Katie we were going to give her the full liveaboard experience.  It has begun!!  It took us about an hour to get our friend Karen back to her boat and us back on our boat.  What a first day!

Friday we hung around the boat and went to Sand Dollar beach which was close to the boat.   The winds were still pretty high.  We ate on the boat and just caught up with what each other had been up to.  The next morning was a beautiful day so Katie and I decided to hike Monument Hill.  We broke out the new camera, jumped in the dinghy, and left Dave with the pups.

Monument Hill

Monument Hill is located on Monument Beach.  The Beach is a couple of beaches over from where we are anchored on Sand Dollar Beach on Stocking Island.  It is not a super high hike but a good stretch of the legs.  I believe it is 200′ high.  We enjoyed it.  Great views from the top and the hike was a nice workout after being on the boat all day yesterday.

After getting back from our hike we played in the water a bit and then got showered up to try a new restaurant we heard about.  The Rusty Anchor was located across the bay at February Point.  The food was delicious. It had beautiful views and a great atmosphere.  I would recommend it to anyone visiting the Georgetown area.  Another great day.

Join us next week as we explore more of the area and do some snorkeling.  In the meantime enjoy the video below!




4 Comments on “A New Camera and A Visitor!!

  1. Hi Jill, Thanks for sharing your adventure with Katie.
    It’s a beautiful view on top of Monument Hill.
    I love the ocean too. I have never been to Bahamas
    It’s fun to heard about it and see it from your video.
    Travel safe. Enjoy the new camera.
    Mona Meurer.

  2. Beautiful view, did you see any snakes or small critters? The view reminded me when we were at Hog Heaven, BVI

    1. we just saw a few cute little lizards. No snakes which is a good thing. It is a beautiful view.

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