
A Visit to Thunderball Grotto!!

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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After enjoying the snorkeling at the Aquarium we headed to Staniel Cay to snorkel Thunderball Grotto.  We had a great sail and found the perfect spot to anchor.  It was off the direct traffic off all the other boats but still close enough for a dinghy ride into the yacht club for happy hour.  It was a very peaceful spot and we really enjoyed it.

Staniel Cay

We came to Staniel for several reasons.  We wanted to work on some projects on the boat that we had been putting off.  The last time we were here we just loved the island and couldn’t wait to come back.  They have a great little restaurant and bar with amazing food.  The Staniel Cay Yacht Club has been around since the late 1950s and is a very cool bar to sit and chat.  Another reason was a couple of years ago we were here Dave was unable to snorkel the Grotto.

Thunderball Grotto

Thunderball Grotto is a famous snorkel spot here.  In case you are unfamiliar Thunderball Grotto was featured in the James Bond Movie Thunderball.  It is a cave that has an access hole at the top and also at sea level during low tide.  You can also dive it during high tide.  Once inside you can enjoy all kinds of beautiful fish.  One camera we have is still working and does a decent job.  So, we grabbed our camera and head out to snorkel Thunderball.  I have included the video at the bottom of this post.  I must say the video is nice but it is never as good as being there in the moment with all the sea life.  We saw a lot of different fish and large schools of fish.  It was really fabulous.  Well, see for yourself.  Check out the video at the end of the post.


Unfortunately for us, just after our snorkel, we learned that we had bad weather coming in a few days.  There was a big storm headed our way and our anchorage was not going to be a good spot.  Since we were working our way down to Georgetown we decided to head there next.  The next morning seemed like the best day to make our way south and beat the weather.

Until next week,


2 Comments on “A Visit to Thunderball Grotto!!

  1. Thanks for sharing another wonderful adventure . I have never snorkelled, but I’m
    sure I would have enjoyed it.

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