
Back to Nassau, We Have Visitors Coming

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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After Dave got our watermaker working again, we spent a couple more days in Staniel Cay.  Then it was time to make our way back to Nassau.  Visitors are coming!  Dave’s Brother and his wife are going to be joining us for a week.  We are so excited!  It has been a few years since we have all gotten to hang out together on a sailboat.  We have traveled with them quite a bit and it’s always a great time.

Heading to Nassau

After leaving Staniel Cay we made a couple of days stop at Highborne Cay to wait out the weather.  Then it was back to Nassau.  We got there early enough to work on boat projects and just relax a bit.

Guests Arrive

When our guests arrived we headed out the next morning.  For the most part, we stayed around the New Providence area due to weather not cooperating.

The first day we made it over to Rose Island and did some snorkeling.  Dave and Adam looked for something to spearfish but they were unsuccessful.  Rose Island has a couple of things on the island.   So we explored the area a bit but everything was closed or already booked.

We went over to the other side of the ports in Nassau and bummed around town as well.  A lot of the time we were just hanging out catching up, relaxing.

The week was a great time, we saw some new sights Dave and I hadn’t seen and just got to catch up with family.  It was so nice to have them come visit. The week was as much of a vacation for us as them.

I included pictures of events prior to our visitors and pictures from their visit.  I hope you enjoy them as much as we did taking them.  A shout out to Jessica Terrell for taking many of these pictures.  It was great to have you guys on board.  Can’t wait till you come back for another visit.

Enjoy the photos and have a great week,

