
Back to New Providence and Saying GoodBye!

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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It was time to make our way back up Eleuthera and head towards New Providence.  Dave’s mom was flying home on Friday.  There are some places around New Providence we want to check out with her.  Leaving early also gives us time in case we run into any issues.

Anchors up and we motored out of the bay.  Shortly after that, we pulled out the headsail.  Today we’re heading back to The Glass Window.  This is a great spot for us to cross over to New Providence tomorrow.    It was a good sail up to Glass Window and when we got anchored we noticed that the restaurant was open.  We piled the dogs and the 3 of us in the dinghy and headed in for a sunset dinner.

Glass Window Resturant

The tide was a lot lower this time and the water was a bit choppy.  A gentleman who they call “Bird”. appeared on the dock to help us.  He pulled both the dogs up for us and helped Phyllis and Myself out of the dinghy.  It was a pretty interesting ordeal.  We quickly realized that we would need another way to get back in the dinghy.  After we got up to the restaurant and got a sundowner Dave went down and moved the dinghy onto a nearby beach.  Bird met him down there to help him if needed.  What a friendly and helpful guy.  Back up at the restaurant, the sunset was beautiful!  The food and drinks were delicious!  Our dinghy ride back was as fun as it was going in.   Back on the boat, we all decided it was time for bed.   We had an early morning for a longer sail back to New Providence.

Sunset View From Glass Window Resturant

West Bay

We got up early and pulled up the anchor.  It was a beautiful day on the water.  We made it to West Bay by late afternoon.  One of the things we wanted to check out was an underwater sculpture.  In the guidebooks, it talks about a sculpture of a little Bahamian girl holding up the ocean.  It was off of Jaws Beach which is just next to West Bay where we are.  You are probably wondering about the name Jaws Beach and why it is called that.  I was.  It is actually named that for the last movie in the Jaws Franchise that did filming there. Phew right!

The next morning we got our gear on and headed over.  Hopefully, we can get this snorkel on video in the future but due to continuing camera issues, we did not film it.  It was a really interesting snorkel and I highly suggest it if you find yourself in the area.  We had a relaxing day with lunch and dinner on the boat.  The next morning we motored over to Delaporte Bay.

Saying Goodbye

Delaporte Bay turned out to be a little gem for dropping Phyliss off.  It was a lot closer to the airport so her taxi ride was cheaper.  There were a couple restaurants right there so we could grab a quick lunch before she had to head to the airport.  The best part of all was Dave finding two Conch while he dove the anchor.  We had been looking for conch on Phylis’s entire trip with us but never found any that were big enough to take and eat.  Well, today he found not just one but two.  Dave quickly cleaned them and we made some fresh conch salad for Phyliss.  What a treat!

Dave with the 2 Conch in Delaporte Bay

It was such a great way to end her trip with us.  We saw a lot of things and really had a great time with her.  But as they say, all good things much come to an end and it was the end of her time with us.  We ate a quick bit at the Poop Deck restaurant and said our Goodbyes and she was off.

Until next time!


3 Comments on “Back to New Providence and Saying GoodBye!

  1. Love hearing about all your adventures! Always wondering how you guys are doing…sounds like just fine! Enjoy and be safe!

  2. Hi Jill, Amother great adventure. I am wondering if a sundowner is the same as a cocktail. I am not familiar with that word.
    Beautiful conch shells. How do you prepare the meat
    for eating?
    I texted with ur mom today. We have been in the valley for a month. My hubby is hunting
    In Mountain Home TX, near Fredericksburg. I was hoping to get together for lunch
    but she already had a commitment. Hope to see her in Minnesota this summer.
    Safe travels to you.

    1. A sundowner is the same as a cocktail you got that right. As far as the conch goes Dave pulls the meet out and cuts off the parts we don’t want to eat and then I chop it up into small pieces and we make ceviche out of it. It is very tasting. Hope you enjoy your time in the valley. Safe travels

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