
Back To Staniel Cay Our Watermaker Part Arrives

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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After spending a couple of days in Black Point it was time to head up to Staniel Cay.  Our water maker part was due in the next few days.  We also had a difficult time getting the dogs to a beach for them to play and go to the bathroom.  It was a lot easier in Staniel Cay.   We were able to pick up some of the famous Coconut bread made by Lorraine’s Mom.  Very delicious!  It makes the best coconut French bread.  There are bits of coconut in the center of each piece with a little cinnamon and sugar as well.  This makes it great to just eat plain as well,  Kind of a weird flavor on peanut butter and jelly.  Still delicious. 

We bought 2 loaves headed back to the boat and pulled up the anchor.  Off we went it was a short sail up to Staniel and we found a spot we anchored in before and dropped the hook.

Staniel Cay

The first night we were there it was really rolly.  There was a decent swell coming in from the ocean and it made it a pretty uncomfortable night of sleeping.  The day we were hanging out up top doing some chores and a gentleman in a small tender came up to our boat and told us if we went up into the area to our left we could tuck in pretty far and there was no swell.  It was really calm.  He said we could anchor right off his house.  How nice was that?  Originally, we weren’t going to but as the day wore on the swell started to grow. 

So, we pulled up anchor and moved.  He was right it was much calmer.  We did have to deal with a very intense current but we put out two anchors to hold us when the current switched and all was well.  Restful nights we in store for us the rest of the time we would be here.  It was a nice spot very peaceful and tucked away from all the many boats.

The next day Dave got word that our water maker part had finally arrived and we could pick it up at the Staniel Cay Yacht Club.   YEAH!!! We were so excited.   This part was ordered back in January.  We have been filling water jugs which a lot of people do, but in all honesty, it is a pain in the butt.  Definitely couldn’t wait to get it working again.


The main problem was there was a break in the seals and to get the new set was just a bit cheaper than buying the new updated part that didn’t have these problems with it.  We decided that since our water maker was DC we wanted to fix it.  Since it is DC it runs off our solar so we don’t have to run our engine or generator to make it work.  It came with our boat and we wanted to keep it working. 

So, now that we have the part Dave can fix it.  I put together a little video of what it is like for a couple living on a boat going into “town” to pick up a part.  Dave spent the next day fixing the water maker.  He had to tweak a few things but he got it all fixed and we now are making our own water again.  YEAH for Watermakers!!!!

Enjoy the video below and have a great week!
