
Boat Shows

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Since I am so excited about the boat show coming up I thought it was a great topic to talk about. I have had several people ask me what can you really get out of a boat show if you not buying a new boat?  Another question is isn’t just full of “gimmicky” gadgets and things you don’t need?

You can really get a lot out of a boat show.  It really depends on how much time you want to spend there as well but there is plenty to see and learn.  They usually have lots of seminars to check out, some are free and some are not.  Heck, at the Miami Strictly sail they have lessons for beginners, intermediate and more.  These courses are not free but what a great way to get your feet wet than at a boat show!  You can even do a happy hour cruise on a boat to watch the sunset while you are there.  That is not all, you can buy a new boat there if you like and they usually have some really great deals.  We, however, are not looking to buy a new boat, instead to get ideas of what brand we like and what some of our must-haves are by touring lots of sailboats.

There are usually lots of products there to see, lots of them helpful to organize or help with tasks on your boat.  I am sure they have “gimmicky” items but I do not know if that is the majority of the products.  This is my first show, so I will have to fill you in on what I find when we get there.   I am really hoping we find some great things and to learn a lot.  We are about 11 days till we go to the show.  The countdown has begun.
While we are there we are also going to be looking at several pre-owned boats in the area.  I will have to report back to you on what we find.

Take Care,