
Catching a Fish on Film and a Visit to Black Point

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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Shortly after leaving Rudder Cut Cay we got a fish on the line.  The pups, as usual, go pretty crazy.  They hear that spool go and then instantly get excited.  They did not disappoint today either.  The pretty neat thing was I had the GoPro going.  It was great to catch a fish on film.  You can watch the video below.

After we caught the fish Dave got an email that our watermaker part would be in midweek.  Dave felt that he could fix the windlass remote easier than he originally thought.   So, we could use it and stop in Black Point first.  Instead of going to Staniel Cay first we decided to pull into the little spot known as Black Point.

Black Point

Black Point is a small community in the Exuma chain just south of Staniel Cay.  They are known for the Coconut bread made there.  There is a cafe called Lorraine’s Cafe and her mom’s coconut bread is supposed to be the best in the Bahamas.  We will check it out and let you know.

Once we got anchored we took the pups into the beach to run around a bit and stretch our legs. It turned out to be more difficult than we thought.  The only beach was super shallow and we had to get out of the dinghy in the water and leave it floating.  The docks are pretty high up, which meant we couldn’t tie up to a dock and have the pups get off there.  They are too big of dogs to hoist up and down a dock.  After beaching the dinghy and letting them play a bit we headed back to the boat. Time to cook up the fish that we caught earlier.  Dinner was delicious and it was a relaxing evening watching the sunset.  (Also in the video).

The next morning Dave and I went into the town to do a bit of exploring.  Since we had such a hard time finding a spot to bring the pups into town yesterday, we left them to nap on the boat.  The only bummer was it was Sunday and a lot of stuff was closed.  Hopefully tomorrow we can get some bread.

Well, until next week enjoy the video below!

3 Comments on “Catching a Fish on Film and a Visit to Black Point

  1. Enjoyed watching your adventure, are you able to catch many fish for eating?

    1. We haven’t caught much fish lately. Hopefully, as we continue down the islands we will start catching fish again.

  2. Great fish catch. Another fun adventure on the water. Thanks for sharing.
    Travel safely.

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