
Christmas Has Come Early!!

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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I am so excited!!! Today a little gift came for me in the mail that Dave let me open.  If you have read my previous posts from our Exuma’s trip you know what I am talking about.  But, just in case you haven’t Dave and I told each other on that trip that we were going to buy each other foul weather gear.  Really good foul weather gear.  Well, mine was on sale at West Marine recently so Dave picked it up.  I noticed the box at the door and he let me open early so we could make sure it all fit.
Check out the picture below, what do you think of my new digs?  I am pretty excited!! They fit really well and I think they will do a great job keeping me dry and warm.  I can’t tell you how awful it is to be cold and wet and not be able to get warm or dry because you don’t have the proper gear.  Now, hopefully, we don’t have to wear this a lot but if we do I am ready.  You will notice Izzy in the pictures of the Foul Weather Gear, she just loves to be in a picture!!


What Else Is Going On?
I am working on a bunch of posts, some dog related, gear, etc.  Oh!  I haven’t said much about the boat hunt but it is still continuing.  We haven’t been aggressively looking lately though because we have a cat that is very ill right now and I am trying to focus on his needs.  So, this week I have spent a lot of time with him and the vet.  He has been with me for almost 13 years and it is a tough time.  Well, on that note I will let you go.

Have a great weekend,