
DE-Cluttering Has Commenced

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Well, The boat is almost ready so the De-cluttering has commenced here at our house.  What does that mean?  It means we have started to seriously go through our stuff and sell, pitch, or donate.  We certainly can’t live on a boat with all the stuff we have.  A lot of stuff has been collected over the years.  One of the many things we need to do is get rid of our vehicles.

Sell, Sell, Sell

We currently have 3 cars and since Dave has started working from home we only use two regularly(really one).  So, we decided to sell one of the biggest gas guzzlers first.  We sold our lincoln navigator last week and have started working on other big items.  Slowly, we have been going through things and selling items on eBay and we did a garage sale last fall.  Becuase of the timing of getting my new pacemaker we weren’t able to put out as much stuff as we wanted to.  Our neighborhood has two community garage sales a year.  Our Spring one is coming up in the next month so we are gearing up for that.

There is a room in our house that is half stuff for the boat and half stuff to sell on the garage sale.  I have to admit going through all your things and selling everything is a bit overwhelming.  Sometimes, I walk around just wondering where to start each day.   I thought it might help other people for us to share how we are going about it and what steps we are taking to keep from getting so overwhelmed.  Please watch out for my upcoming posts on de-cluttering your home to move on a boat.  I will try and put it together in one tab on the website so it is easy to access.  Just not sure yet how that will all come together.  So, stay tuned.

Boat Update

Right now we are getting ready to head to the boat this Thursday and bring the boat home.  Our Captain is going to meet us in St. Augustine Friday morning and we will sail with him until Sunday or Monday depending on where the best spot to jump off works out to be.  After that, he will continue on bringing the boat to Texas for us.  We are so excited!!

Dave went to the boat last weekend and got a lot of last minute things that needed to be taken care of.  He was also able to tackle some other tasks to help the yard guys out so hopefully we will have no issues and the last remaining tasks will be completed and she will be put in the water Friday morning.  This is getting pretty exciting!!

I am not sure that I will be posting on here till we return next week, but hopefully, you will be able to follow us on Facebook.   Also, we will be bringing our Inreach a long so you can Click on this link and see where we are at.  It will be active Friday afternoon or evening depending on when we head out.

Well, there is still a lot to do so I better run…..We’re going Sailing!!!!

