
Dinghy Shopping

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Well, we have been looking online and in person when we have the time, but so far we have not found a winner!  We do have some very promising prospects and we will see if any of them pan out in the next couple of weeks.  I will fill you in as soon as we have more details.  We did really like a boat that was located in Florida but, before we got a chance to take a look at it, the boat went under contract.  While that is a bummer it just means it wasn’t meant for us and the right one is still out there.

Last weekend we spent time looking at tenders for our boat.  West Marine had a great sale so we went in and spend some time comparing several that we liked and ordered one.  If you order with West Marine and have it shipped to a store close to you it is free shipping.  YEAH!! we love free shipping!  We did exactly that and today we will be picking up the Tender.

The motor we ended up going with was a Suzuki(not sold at West Marine).  Prior to our decision on the Suzuki, we spent a lot of time looking at the new propane motors that West Marine is selling.  In the end however, getting the motor maintenance done was an issue and we were concerned that if we bought one and had issues  we would have trouble getting it serviced outside the U.S.  It would have been great for the aspect of not having to carry gasoline, only having propane (cooking and tender motor) and diesel for the boat.  But, it was not to be so on Monday we will pick up our new motor.

We are trying to pre-purchase as many things as we can now so that we can have them all paid for and it won’t affect our cruising kitty when we first set sail.  Have you done any pre-shopping prior to pushing off with your boat?  We would love to hear about it or any questions you have in the comments section.

Happy Sailing,