exploring great

Exploring Great Exuma!

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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We left Staniel Cay early in the morning and had a beautiful day of sailing to Bock Cay.  We pulled into this little anchorage to get some rest and relax a bit.   It was a nice spot to anchor for the night.  Tomorrow we would go to Georgetown and anchor there for a few weeks.

When we got up the next morning we got the boat ready and headed out.  The more we got talking about the weather and the number of boats in the Georgetown anchorages, the more we weren’t sure we should go there.  We decided that maybe we should pull into the nearby marina of Emerald Bay.  You see there are a lot of boats in the Georgetown anchorages.  When I say a lot I mean around 200.

With the winds, we were expecting to get there were going to be a lot of boats dragging.  Dragging is when a boat’s anchor doesn’t hold and it drags across the bottom.  It can reset itself but often it does not.  The big danger with dragging is hitting another boat if your anchor doesn’t reset.  We have a solid anchor and were not concerned about us dragging.  The concern is having another boat drag into our boat and cause damage.  It happens quite a bit in Georgetown.  Because of this, we decided we would be better off tucked in the marina.  This way we could sleep easier at night and not worry.  The marina had an opening for us so we changed our course and headed into the Marina.

Emerald Bay Marina


The Marina at Emerald Bay is really nice.  They have two types of slips for your boat.  Your regular slip which comes with power connections and water.  Then they also have slips that don’t have power connections but do have water.  The second slips are only $1.00 per foot which is a lot cheaper than the other slip at $2.25 per foot.  We have a generator so if we need to we can always run that.  Because of that, we decided to save a little money and stay at the cheaper docks.

Another perk of the marina is free laundry machines.  This is really nice, you may have to wait in line sometimes but for the money you are saving who cares.  There is a great little restaurant next door at the Grand Isle Resort that you can visit.  The pizza is amazing! Try it if you go, you won’t be disappointed.  I know, not a very local food but I LOVE pizza and its really good!

Great Exuma

After getting settled in we decided since we were going to be here a few days to rent a car.  We got the car rented for the next day.  The plan was to go drive around and check out the rest of the island,  We also wanted to do a little provisioning.  We drove all the way south down to little Exuma as well.  It was a great afternoon and on the way back from the southern tip we found a little bar called Santana’s.  A quick stop for a beer and a view.  Also, next door was a bakery called Mom’s bakery.  We stopped in and picked up a coconut pastry to share.  It was very sweet but delicious.  The view at Santana’s was really nice.  After our beer, we stopped in a couple of grocers and picked up some items.  Next, we stopped in at duty-free liquor store and got a few bottles of local rum and wine.  All in all, it was a great day.  We really enjoyed touring the island and getting off the boat for a bit to explore.  Oh!  I included some pictures below of our adventures.

Have a great one!


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