
A Visitor, A Tropical Storm, and Leaving Grenada!

Last Updated on September 1, 2024 by Jill

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Another week of a flashback.  No post last week we had some issues with the website and I didn’t want to add a post no one would be able to read it.  So, this week we are back again in Grenada and more!  Flashback Friday: A visitor, A Tropical Storm, and Leaving Grenada!

It is already mid-September here with the heat and humidity getting to be pretty uncomfortable some days.  We are nearing the end of our stay here.  Only 3 more weeks and we will say goodbye,  But first we have Daves mom coming to visit us in Grenada.  She is of course bringing us some much-needed items.  Flip flops for both of us and some new clothes which will be really nice.  We have both lost a lot of weight and most of our clothes are too big.  While his mom is here we have rented a car and are going to do some more touring of the island.  We decided to do all the chocolate tours.  Phyllis loves Chocolate too so it works out great.  Then we also did a few other rum distillery tours that we missed last time due to them being closed.

Tropical Storm Karen

While Phyllis was with us she got to experience a tropical storm on a boat on anchor.  It was not too bad.  Unfornutly the bay we were in though got to be pretty exciting as the waves got pretty high in the bay.  When the wind changed a bunch of boasts drug on their anchor and had to reset in the storm.  Not a lot of fun.  Our anchor held tight and so did our friends and another boat next to us which we were all thankful for.  Dave did go to another boat and help him as his bridle broke on his catamaran.  Dave helped him rig up a new one and resecure the boat.  Trying to get Dave back on board was pretty exciting.  The waves had gotten pretty big and it was tricky to time them.  All worked out and he got back on board safely.

The next morning the bay was still pretty uncomfortable so we decided to head over to a calmer bay.  Phyllis was only with us for a few more days and we wanted to be able to get on and off the boat easily and also see some other things with her.  We had a great time as we always do.  After saying our goodbyes to Phyllis it was now time to start getting the boat ready to leave Grenada.

Leaving Grenada

We did some big shops with another buddy boat and got all stocked up.  One of our boat buddies has just returned and several of us are going to leave Grenada (main island) and visit some of the smaller islands and Carriacou again.  Then we will all head our separate ways, some going back to the main island and others to different islands like us.  But, before that, we stopped at an underwater sculpture park, caught several fish, and decided to have one more beach BBQ on Sandy island as a group.  What a great way to say farewell to a fun summer and amazing friends.

Truly treasured our time in Grenada, some days it got a little hot and a little long but it really is a fantastic place to spend a hurricane season.  We hope to be back sooner than later.  Enjoy the photos!

