bustling city

Fort de France, quite a bustling city

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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It was a short motor sail  from St.Pierre to Fort de France  on a raining Sunday afternoon.  Anchor was set and we watched a beautiful sunset. Fort de France, quite a bustling city.  This will be a great spot for relaxing, sightseeing, eating great food and of course touring a fort.  We hope to see a lot of the city before we push off to our next island south.

The City Center

City view

Right after you tie up your dinghy at the dock  just in front of you is a beautifully magnificat park.  This is a great place to walk the dogs, lots of space for plenty of exercise.  

Another tidbit about this place.  If you ever find yourself here and need help finding something go to the tourism office.  They speak English and French and are over the moon helpful.  We got help to locate an English speaking vet, they helped us make an appointment and how to get a car to  get there.  They went above and beyond.  Very helpful.


The selection of food here is fantastic.  We tried all kinds of different things and enjoyed most of them. We had pizza, Gyros, Pain au Chocolate, Croissants, French food, etc.   So, besides all the great food here and walking we had to check out the Fort.  

Fort Saint Louis

We paid for the tour and our guide was fantastic.  He shared a lot more than just about the fort but also about the city and the country.   I love to learn about the history of the island and how the forts played a role in the city past and present.  The tour did not disappoint.  This naval fort is still in use today and has active military on base.  Because of this were were only able to tour a portion of the Fort.  It was still fantastic.  The fort also has a great deal of resident Iguana’s.  Our guide was quite fascinated by them, so we learned about the different ones that inhabit the island and particularly the Fort.

Next Destination

Our original plan was to push off from here and then sail to Saint Lucia.  However, during our stay we met a few other cruisers heading south that spoke very highly of the a couple more spots in Martinique.  So, we decided to check them out as a group.  In the morning we will head to our next spot south to spend a day or so.

