Join us this week on more sailing of the Bahamas

Glass Window And A Junkanoo Festival!

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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After picking up Dave’s mom in Nassau, on Thursday evening, we stayed in the Marina a couple days to wait out the storm.  The plan was to sail around the island of Eleuthera, with Phyllis, during her two-week stay.  We left around 9:30 am on Saturday morning and headed for the island of Eleuthera.

Eleuthera Island

We had a pretty good day sailing to Eleuthera but didn’t make good time as we hoped.  Upon arriving, we set our anchor close to the area known as the glass window.  We managed to anchor right before dusk, tidied up, and made dinner.  Over dinner, we finalized our plans for the next day to go explore the glass window and walk around a bit.  There was a little restaurant we thought we would also check out.

The next morning the water was really calm, which made for a nice dinghy ride to shore.  After hiking a bit to the top, where the restaurant was, we quickly noticed it was closed.  So, we headed down the road to check out the glass window.

The glass window is a spot on the island where you can stand on the road and see the Atlantic ocean on one side and the Bahama bank on the other.  When the ocean has high seas, the waves crash over the road, which makes for a beautiful, albeit scary, view.  It was too calm of a day for us to see that, but it was still a breathtaking view.  After walking for a bit and seeing the sights, we headed back to the boat to make our way a little farther south.

Hatchett Bay

We put up the headsail and sailed to Hatchett Bay.  We anchored outside around the corner from Hatchett Bay, rather than go in the narrow pass.  Arriving there shortly after noon and decided to head in and find some lunch.  One thing we forgot about was that it was Sunday.  In The Bahamas most things, and even some restaurants, are closed on Sundays.  We did happen to find one place that was open.

Twin Brothers restaurant had a nice big patio and we were able to bring the dogs.  So far, we have been pretty lucky and have been able to bring them into many of the restaurants we have stopped at.  The food was delicious and the beers were cold.  After lunch, we explored more of the town and then headed back to the boat.  The sun was setting and it was time for a sundowner.

Early the next morning we decided to make our way to Governor’s harbor and check out the sights there. Once we got anchored we headed in to check it all out.  Walking around we found a great little conch stand, we got one bowl and shared it.   We stopped at Buccaneers restaurant for lunch.  After lunch, picked up another bowl of the conch salad to take to the boat.

While we were eating lunch, we asked our waitress what was going on around the area the next few days and she told us that since tomorrow was Christmas day everything is closed.  She also said that would host a Junkanoo Festival.  We talked it over and decided that it would be pretty cool to check out.  So, we would sail back to Hatchett bay in the morning.  Later, we would make our way back to Governor’s harbor for more exploring of the city.


We anchored inside Hatchett bay this time and head into town shortly before it was scheduled to start.  We sometimes forget everything is on island time.   The time of an event just seems to be a guideline for when it will start.  Needless to say, the festival was going on but the Junkanoo didn’t start until after 9 pm.  It was pretty neat. They had several different cities there and they compete against each other.

I have never seen one before and the costumes they create are really cool.  We got to see some of them earlier in the day when we passed by a barn and nice gentlemen showed us what he was working on.  A lot of work goes into each piece, it was very impressive.  Well, check it out for yourself below.  I posted a video on it.   The video isn’t the best but it gives you a little view of the festival.  We are having problems with our cameras so I recorded it off of my phone.

