Happy Anniversary to us

Happy Anniversary!!

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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Well, here we are another year has passed by for the two of us!  How exciting, and what a year it has been for us.  We have traveled on our own boat since our last anniversary from Biloxi, MS all the way south to the island of Grenada.  What a huge accomplishment.  To think we actually contemplated turning back to the states in The Bahamas and forgetting the whole thing.  I am so glad that we did not do that.  We have experienced and learned so much.   Not only about other countries but about ourselves and our relationship.  What a year it has been.  I can say I wouldn’t have wanted to take this adventure with anyone else by my side.  Can you only imagine what awaits us for the year to come!  I am looking forward to all the new adventures we have yet to experience.

Usually every year I do a video of photos from our previous year.  However with data costs and trying to upload I have opted for a collage this year….Who knows I may throw one up here later when we have free wifi again.

Happy Anniversary to us!



Happy Anniversary to us

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