
Heading To The Boat Show!!

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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I am super excited, we just booked our plane tickets, got our babysitters for our pets all lined up to stay here while we head to Miami.  While we won’t be buying a boat we will be looking for what we want in a boat.  We also have a lot of things to learn about and decide on.  Things like, what kind of watermaker do we want, do we want a washer and what brands are out there, how do they rate?  Do we want a center cockpit or aft cockpit?  This is a difficult one for us because we recently went and looked at a couple of center cockpit boats and really loved the way it is laid out not only on top but down below as well.  The one thing that keeps us from saying yes to the center cockpit, is our beautiful puppy, Izzy. We need it to be easy to get her on board and be up top comfortably as well.  With a center cockpit, we are very concerned it will be difficult to get her on and off the boat and into the dinghy.  She is not a small dog, so while we could lift her on and off I believe that will get old pretty fast.  I also don’t think she will enjoy that for very long either.  This is going to be her home too and we want her to be comfortable.  Ok, got a little sidetracked there.  Click here to check out the show we are attending.
Have a great day!