
Heading To The U.S. Virgin Islands

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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We dropped the parents off on the docks at Trellis bay which is a fun area across from the airport. Dave and I sailed the boat back into Road Town and dropped it off around 10:00 am.  Next, we went to the ferry and got our tickets for the 11:30 a.m. trip to Saint Thomas.  We wandered around a bit but being that it is Sunday a lot of things are closed today. This is something you kind of forget about because you lose track of the days when you’re on vacation.  Luckily good Ol’ Pussers bar and the restaurant was open so we thought we could get some more of that AMAZING lobster mac and cheese.  It was not to be…Sigh  The bar was open but the kitchen didn’t open for another hour.  Oh’ well we tried, we still bellied up to the bar and had a ginger ale.  It was nice to just hang out there basking in the Air Conditioning for awhile before we headed back to the Ferry dock to board.

Dave and I were pretty exhausted and it was a pretty mellow ride over, with a quick stop in Sopper’s Hole to pick up a few more passengers. Once we got there we checked in at our hotel and each took a long hot shower.  I will say is always nice when you don’t have to worry about how much water you are using.  Not that we should be wasteful on land but a warm hot shower is always nice.  We took a short nap and decided we should go get something to eat and venture out a little.


We headed down over to Frenchtown, which was not too far from our hotel.  This little area is really tucked away and has a couple places that we really enjoyed.  We headed over to Rum Shandy had some of their fun beverages and grabbed a bite to eat.  If you are ever in the area, the drinks are fun and their food was really good. They have a bunch of T.V.’s if you are into watching sports games they usually have several on.  That pretty much consisted of our day.


The next day was rainy but we decided to make the walk all the way up to Black Beards Castle to check it out.  It was great exercise but a pretty big bummer to find out they were closed that day because it was only a 1 cruise ship day and usually only open on a 2-3 cruise ship day.  We never realized that a lot of the places here opened depending on the cruise ships that came into their harbor.  It was a bummer but at the same time, the town was a little quieter which we always enjoy.  We just meandered through the town checking things out that were open and did a lot of walking.  For dinner, we went back to Frenchtown and ate at Pie Whole a pizza shop.  The Food was really great, but the service was not the best they only had one waitress running her but off and a manager who was just standing around talking to people and never helped the girl out. We felt really bad for our waitress.

Saint Thomas was a lot of fun and very relaxing, I didn’t take any photos other than a couple from our balcony. So, I don’t really have any to share other than the main photo.   I forgot to bring my rain gear for my big camera and with the weather, I just left it in the hotel.  Heading home tomorrow, where we will get back into the swing of things.

Take Care,
