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Merry Christmas to All….

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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It is Christmas Eve me and the pups are sitting up top on the boat ending the evening.  What a crazy and blessed day we had.  We are sitting here watching the stars pass by.  This is truly the dreamer’s dream of beauty.  We are LIVING it.!  How crazy is that?  

Back to Christmas….

 What I miss is tradition and one thing for me is always the song Silent Night on Christmas Eve  (and my
Granny’s lefse! But this year I will miss that 🙁   In other years past I was always there but late due to my work schedule but still amazing !… It just wouldn’t be Christmas without it.  I have always felt that way ever since I was a kid. But tonight was special for me. I was feeling especially close to Jody (my twin sister ( we lost her 5 years ago to cancer). I have felt her with me all day).  We had a great day and  I am so excited to have Phyllis with us for Christmas and I think over that last few months Dave and I have grown so much as a couple and our love and patience for each other.    

Anyway, sorry to babble.  I am sorry no pictures to share now.  More are coming.  

 I was blessed tonight, I told Dave and Phyllis about the song silent night and the importance to me and singing songs on Christmas….Phyllis immediately starting singing and it was so beautiful and I instantly felt blessed.!  She has an amazing voice and Dave and I joined in for several songs and it was so memorable.  We sat up top and sang song after song…I will remember that always.    I mean here we are in the Bahamas in the cockpit of our sailboat singing Christmas songs with our dogs!!!! IT DOESN’T’ GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT FOLKS!!!!!     

Christmas is different this year.  I am not saying that it means more or anything like that, it’s just different and I am enjoying it all.  (I’d be crazy if I didn’t miss my mom and dad, my twin sister but I miss all my sisters, Teri, Christa, Katie, Kathy, Jessica.  We may not all be blood but we are all sisters now and I am extremely thankful!  I miss all of you!!

  I can’t forget my brothers Lee, Scott, Steve, and Adam!!!  I didn’t grow up with brothers and my first brother was Lee and the poor guy was put him through a lot, but he survived!!! 

Anyhoo! I LOVE them all to pieces and I am so grateful to have them in our life.

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!  Please know we love you and we are enjoying our new life and adventures!! 

Come stay with us on the boat we would love it!!!  Email us at dl_terrell@yahoo.com and come see us!  We truly can’t wait!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Dave, Jill, Izzy, and Sadie!!

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