
Minute Men and The Badlands Loop

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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We left the RV park around 9:20 am heading for South Dakota after spending a week with my family.  We are heading to see the Minute Men and The Badlands Loop.  As we headed on our route we decided to stop in one last time to Pa and Granny’s and say goodbye!  We were driving right by Madelia and we just couldn’t pass by.  Pa and Granny were excited to see us one last time and Granny even baked peanut butter chip and chocolate chip cookies for us.  They were delicious!  She has always made the best treats.  Pa sent us along with a little dancing man to have in the motorhome.  The pups are a little unsure of it.  We hung out for about an hour and then hit the road.  We made it all the way to Montrose, SD the first day.


Wouldn’t you know the night we pull in they are having a street party!  How fun, it was a must-do!  We love a good party and this one is for a good cause.  The town is raising money to put a new playground in.  The population in this town is 472.  Very nice people and a great town.  The street party had a band called Hicktown Mafia from Minnesota playing at 8 pm.  They also had a dunk tank which the kids loved trying to dunk the many people that sat in the seat.  At about 7:45 pm they served a roasted pig and sides that you could purchase.  We ate in the motorhome but had a couple of drinks at the party.  Fun little stop.

Minute Men and The Badlands Loop

The next morning, we were up early and on the road by 8:30 am.  The first stop was the minute man visitor center and silo.  We arrived around 11:30 to a line outside.  Due to COVID they only let so many people in at a time.  We didn’t have to wait long and we got to go in.  Great spot to learn about all the minutemen silos that were around the U.S., why they were they, and when they were decommissioned.

After we toured the center we decided to do the Badlands loop.  The loop was gorgeous we saw a large grouping of Bighorn sheep which are very cool looking.  We also saw quite a few buffalo and then just gorgeous surroundings.  After that, it was time to check out the actual silo of D-9 where you can see what one looked like that held the minutemen missiles.    This was very neat, we walked right up to it and you could look down in it.  I highly recommend a stop to check these things out.

Wall Drug

We were hungry and heard you could park your motorhome for free at Wall Drug.  It is a must-stop just to see how huge this place is.  All started by a couple named Ted and Dorthy Hustead in 1931.  They struggled with their drug store and after almost 5 (not very successful) years they started offering free ice-cold water.  Dorthy came up with the idea.  The rest is history.  We had a quick bite to eat and headed back to the camper.  After relaxing for a bit we decided to push on, it was still pretty early and we felt we could make Rapid city.

Rapid City

Pulled into a Cabela’s parking lot in Rapid City just before a storm came thru.  Most Cabela’s will let you stay in your RV in their parking lot.  I would call and double-check to make sure as every store is different.  Checked out a little joint called Sickies next door for a happy hour and to just spend some time out of the camper.  Great food, good beer.  Nice Stop!  We will see you next time when we check out the Black Hills and Mt. Rushmore, and more.

On a side note… I am trying to get to posts out twice a week so that you can all stay up to date with as possible.  The big challenge is the internet and going through all the photos that I have been taking.

