On The Road

On The Road!

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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Well, It’s official we’ve gotten everything loaded.  Made a few adjustments, and spent a few days with Dave’s family.  So, now we are heading out, on the road!  But I still can’t believe we are not on the boat it’s a very weird feeling.  Drove all the way to River Ridge Winery for our first stop.  It was a long day and it was decided going forward we would shorten our days.  Because we are members of a group called Harvest Hosts (It is a paid membership and you get to stay at wineries, breweries, farms, etc. free for the night.)  And, all they ask is you Patreon the place you stay.  Our first stop is at a winery.


The wine was great and the people were fantastic!  If you get the chance to check it out you won’t be disappointed.  In the morning we got stuff stowed and were on the road by 8:30 am.  Today we’re heading to Jefferson, MO to meet a good friend and stay at Cantebury Winery.  This winery turned out to be more focused on the restaurant.  The wines were not overly impressive.    While we were in town visiting our friend we stopped at a fun local brewery called Prison Brews.  Great beers and good pizza.


Up and on the road by 9 am we made our way to Indiandale, IA.   A small little campground for the night.   The next day we made it to my grandparent’s house.  We spent a few days with my grandparents.  And while there we stopped in at the Damn Store for burgers, and pie, saw my aunt and uncle, cousin, and grilled at our camper.

A great time as always but it was really nice to just hang out and catch up with them.  It has been 2 years since I saw them.  I should also mention in their small town they have a great new local brewery called Lost Sanity Brewery.  I guess it has actually been open for a couple of years.  So, it is just new to me.  But, they make great beer!!  If you get a chance to check them out we really enjoyed it.  I love their slogan “Crazy good beer!”  It is crazy good.

The next stop was the twin cities to catch up with my mom, dad, sister, brother in law, and twin nieces.  What a great time, we just hung out and enjoyed visiting favorite spots and helped out my sister with her garage sale.  But, we also had some work on the motorhome and got new breaks put on the rear.  So, now we are ready to hit the road again.  In the next post, we stop in the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, and more.  Enjoy the photos below.

If you read this and are wondering why we are not on our boat check out this post. We’re Back!

