
Quick Update! LONG OVERDUE!!

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Wow!  I can’t believe it has been so long since my last post.  That truly was not my intention.  I want to give you a Quick Update that is Long Overdue!!  This way you know where we are at and in the coming weeks I will bring you all the details and get back to my regular posting.


Things got moving for us a lot quicker than we thought or planned.  When I last left off on my previous post the boat was still in St. Augustine and we were working on de-cluttering the house and getting ready for our 2nd big garage sale.  The boat is now here, more on that in another post.  On top of that we were getting ready to put the house on the market mid April.   We were able to make that happen by the skin of our teeth.  Phew!  But it was a lot of work and a lot of late nights and early mornings.  We had a great garage sale thanks to the help of my Mom and Dad and Dave’s Mom!  Thank you so much you guys we appreciate it more than you will know.

With all of this cleaning out and moving things around I was exhausted and sitting down to write didn’t happen.  Our lists were so long that something had to be put on the back burner and sadly for me it was the blog.  🙁

We are still in a mad rush and crunch time to get a lot of things taken care of for our big push to sell the house and move on the boat.  So, this will be short but I just wanted to drop a quick update and let you know I will be back with more regular posts over the next couple of weeks.  I will bring you all the details on this huge change in our life.

Hope all is well,


2 Comments on “Quick Update! LONG OVERDUE!!

  1. What an exciting time. You both have been doing a great job of planning even though your time table changed somewhat you are still staying on course. Looking forward to coming post on how everything is fitting in and working out for you.
    Enjoy your blog!!

    1. Thank you so much! What an adventure this has been! Can’t wait to have you guys on the boat once were are officially live a boards.

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