
Snorkeling the “Aquarium” in Exuma Land and Sea Park

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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After dropping Phyllis off we stayed another day in Delporte Bay.  After that, we headed back to West Bay to wait on a weather window to cross to Highborne Cay.  We were finally heading south to the Exuma chain.

Dave and I have been to the Exumas with friends almost 2 years ago for my 40th birthday.  However, Dave had just come out of major surgery and could not get in the water the entire trip.  Now, we were going to be able to do all the hot spots together.

We sailed south and then across heading to Highborne Cay and anchored out on the Bahama bank.  We weren’t going to be able to make it into Highborne in daylight and because of how shallow it is we decided to anchor for the night.  That way we would come into the area with good light and could see any coral heads.  We arrived the next morning and anchored just outside of the marina at Highborne for a few days before heading to Norman islands for a couple days.  After that, we made our way to the land and sea park where we planned to spend a couple nights and do some snorkeling we had heard so much about.

The Aquarium

The Aquarium is a spot inside the Exuma Land and Sea Park.  It is supposed to be full of coral and fish.  This is a very well known spot.  It goes by a couple names but the most popular one is the Aquarium.  In case you are unfamiliar with the Exuma Land and Sea Park, it is a protected area of the Exumas and the oldest sea park in the world.  176 square miles this park started back in 1959.  It is a no-take zone in the park.  Basically, take nothing and leave nothing behind but your footprint or bubbles.  Check out their website here it is pretty interesting.

We brought two cameras in the water with us and the waterproof housing on one of them failed.   Sadly it killed the camera and nothing was captured.  Super bummed.  We are working on getting a better camera, the current one we have is not very reliable.  Anyhoo, we still got some footage of the snorkel.  I put together a video with it for you to see just how amazing it was.  This footage wasn’t as detailed as the other camera.  I hope you are still able to see how amazing it is.  I really can’t wait to get a better camera.

