Bimini – Another Adventure Thu, 19 Oct 2023 12:10:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bimini – Another Adventure 32 32 Bimini And The Bahama Bank! Tue, 12 Feb 2019 10:28:37 +0000 We finally arrived in Bimini, the Bahamas after a grueling 24-hour crossing from Key West, Fl.  After losing our radar, we had a very rough night of high waves and wind.  We were pounding into it all, not making good time.  In order to make it to Bimini in daylight, we decided to turn the motor on and motor sail. During the Night During the night we started to have enough water in our bilges and the water alarm was going off.  We were unable to find the source; but, were able to keep the water down by shop-vacuuming the water out every hour.  On top of this, we were both in our foul weather gear getting hammered by the waves coming over the bow.  As daylight started to break, things got better. By daybreak, the water in the bilges had started to lessen and the wind turned a bit so we were able to put up full sails and get almost 8-9 knots continuously.  With this new speed, we made up a lot of lost time and were now set to arrive in the early afternoon, by around 12-1pm.  We were very relieved and exhausted. As the water changed colors, the seas began to really calm down and we could see Bimini.  The excitement was building we were about to be in The Bahamas, finally, after leaving Texas in August (with several pit stops along the way) we were here. Bimini Bimini is a small quaint island.  We pulled into Brown’s marina which is the first marina as you enter the channel on North Bimini.  Once we tied up Dave went and got us checked in at customs and I began to tidy up the boat.  We had a lot of things tossed around the boat during the night.   Luckily nothing was broken which was a relief (other than the radar).  Next task was to eat some lunch, take the pups for a well deserved long walk and then a nap.  While I waited for Dave to return a friendly gentlemen came over to our boat selling conch and lobster. When Dave returned we purchased some delicious fresh lobster that we had for several meals and even some to freeze for later.  Originally we planned to just overnight in Bimini but a front was moving in over the Bahama bank.   We planned to anchor the next night there and it looked to be a rough one.  Instead, we opted to stay an extra day at the marina and leave on Sunday.  We really enjoyed the island, the only downside is all the trash on the island. Sadly, it is everywhere.  We watched a little kid run buy us drinking a beverage he finished it down the road and dropped it on the ground.  So, sad. Bahama Bank We left Bimini Sunday mid-morning and sailed across the Bahama bank.  It was a beautiful sail but we didn’t make much ground due to light winds.  We ended up anchoring, watching a beautiful sunset, delicious meal and off to bed early.  Our plan for the next day was to stop in The Berry islands on our way to Nassau (we were picking up Dave’s mom, who was coming for a visit).  Those plans changed the next day but that is for another post.  I included a small video of our sail into Bimini and the Bahama Bank. Enjoy! Jill

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