
The Hunt Begins

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Well, we have started looking at boats.  We actually went looking about a month ago but it was merely a stop into a couple sailboats to get our feet wet.  We have been looking online regularly as well.  This weekend one of the sailboat marinas we went to before put on an open house.  It was great they opened all their boats for 3 hours had food, drinks, and plenty of people to answer your questions.  We had found several boats on their site that we were interested in looking at so we were excited.

It was a great day, while we didn’t find the boat of our dreams, we did learn a lot.  We learned about boats that we never thought to look at, and we actually like them a lot.  It was nice to also look at different boat builders styles and be able to see what we liked and didn’t like.  This will help us narrow our decision down for when we purchase.  We had a pretty good list going of must-haves, wants, and deal breakers but after this weekend I think we will be changing our list a bit.

One thing we are possibly changing is only aft cockpit.  We had thought that a center cockpit was just going to be too hard for Izzy to get on and off the boat and that an aft cockpit was the only way we could go.  After looking at several different designs this weekend we think that with a few alterations we could make a center cockpit boat work for us as well.  So, for now, I will remove that from the deal breaker list.

We are also narrowing down the size of boat we want to have.  We have ruled out anything under 40 ft and will probably go bigger.  Could we do a smaller boat, sure but we are going to live on this boat so we really want it to be big enough for our needs now and down the road.  We want our dog to be comfortable as well

So, that was kind of our day, we learned a lot.  Now, we are looking online for boats that we can look at while we are at the boat show in Miami.  We have already gotten quite a list, so if they are still available in a few weeks we will make appointments and see them while we are in town.  I am getting so excited for the boat show I can hardly wait.