
The Water Is Supposed To Stay On The Outside Of The Boat!

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Sorry, this is so late in getting posted.  Things have been very busy here since we got home.  Unfortunately, we didn’t get to ride with the captain to bring the boat home.  The Water is Supposed to Stay on the Outside of the Boat!  That is not what happened when we initially dropped her in the water on Friday.  She started taking on water in the engine room due to a gasket that had a slice in it.  This gasket was brand new and had just been put in.  It took a bit to find it and determine that was the cause of the leak.  There was also a minor leak where the transducer was put in and not tightened all the way but that was a quick and easy fix.

The mechanic was gone for the weekend, it was after 4:00 pm and the yard was closed.  The only people who remained were the gentlemen working the traveler for us, the manager of the yard and a couple other people.  Nothing was going to happen today or this weekend. She had to be pulled out and put back on the stands.   I only have a bit of video because our GoPro Hero 5 (not impressed with this version) overheated on me and I wasn’t able to video the last half of the day.  I haven’t been able to get it to work properly so I only have the one photo I took with my phone.

What’s Next

We sent our Captain home and decided to find flights for ourselves home.  It was too late in the day and the cheapest flight was Sunday out of Orlando.  We got a hotel in St. Augustine and decided to finally eat and go over the day.  We didn’t know this was the first weekend of Spring Break so the hotels and car rentals were few and far between for the whole weekend.   Those we did find we paid WAY more than we would have liked.  But, such is life.  I can say I am very glad our boat situation showed up in the yard and not 3o miles out.  Since we had a day to hang around on Saturday we spent it working on a few things on the boat, purchased some items that we could leave on the boat and then headed to Orlando.

We headed home Sunday morning and Monday afternoon the mechanic let us know that he went to the boat on Sunday pulled everything out and ordered parts to arrive Tuesday morning.  I was so relieved that things were moving along.  The mechanic installed the parts Tuesday.   Our Captain arrived Wednesday morning, they put her back in the water and she finally Floats!!!  Yipee!!!  What a relief!  The only bummer is we aren’t able to ride along on the trip due to our work schedules.  But she is finally heading our way.  It looks like she will be here as early as Thursday or this weekend sometime.  We are really getting excited.

In Other News

We have met with a realtor and are going to try with all our effort to get our house listed by mid-April.  This is going to be a huge push and a lot of work, but I think we can do it.  This is the reason I am so behind on my posts, I have been super busy working on the house.  Dave has been busy working on getting his mustang ready and up for sale.  Another item that needs to be sold.  We are also working on tagging things for our HUGE garage/moving sale in mid-April.  So, lots going on here and I am working on putting together posts on how we are doing all of this downsizing.

Well, I better get back to my list,
