
Thunderball Grotto

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Tuesday did not start off on a good note as I was still feeling really bad.  We had walked by a local clinic the night before and decided we should go in.  Our friends on the boat decided that they would head over to Thunderball Grotto and drop us off at the marina first. This is my first time needing to visit a clinic when I have been out of the states.  Let me just say it was a great experience and pretty quick as well.  We got in after only waiting about 10 minutes (she was with another patient when we arrived).  The test and prescription for a UTI were all $42.00.  We were pleasantly surprised!  You can’t even see a doctor in the states for less than $40.00 and that doesn’t include tests or the prescription. Finally, I would start to feel better after a couple doses of the medicine.

In the meantime, Dave and I decided to head over to the Yacht Club for a delicious breakfast and wait for our friends to return.  When they returned they were engaged so that was exciting news!

After breakfast, we all decided to rent a golf cart and check out the island.  We checked out the airport and saw lots of homes and some grocery stores and other things.  Then we came upon this beautiful beach.  I have included pictures below, it truly encompasses what the Bahamas is all about, the different colors in the water, the beautiful sands, and of course amazing views all around you.

We stopped in a couple shops and then headed back to the yacht club for lunch.  We ended up eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner there Tuesday, the food was so good and we heard there were not a lot of restaurants on most of the other islands we were planning on stopping at.

The next morning we headed over to Thunderball Grotto since we missed it the day before.  Unfortunately, due to some surgery, Dave had before we left he was unable to go into the water, so I and our friends went over and snorkeled in before the tide changed. You can only snorkel into Thunderball grotto at low tide otherwise you have to dive it.  It was truly amazing!!!  We will defiantly come back another time so Dave can see all the beauty and the tons of fish.  After the grotto, we decided to go back over to pig beach, which was really fun and we were all really glad we decided to go back over there.  More on this visit in my next post.  After all of that fun, we would start heading back up the chain with our next stop Compass Cay.

Please enjoy some of the pictures from the day,