
Two Cities and A Quaint Little Bay

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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Today we headed over to Grande Anse d’ Arlet for an overnight stop.  We had heard it was a quaint little bay, with little roll.  For those of you don’t live on a sailboat or have never been on one at anchor let me give you a bit more detail.  Anchorages can have swell that comes in and causes the boat to sway from side to side or “roll”. It is pretty common occurrence but when it becomes a large swell or a constant swell it can get a little uncomfortable. 

We have just spent the last week in Fort de France.  This anchorage is close to town but also in the path of the Ferries coming and going.  With their high speeds they create quite a “roll” as they drop passengers to and from local bays.  Once the ferries stop for the day the anchorage is pretty peaceful.  Howeveer, the downside is they run from 6am to about 9 pm and later on the weekends.  So, we were ready for a little more calmness.  It was very peaceful and calm here.

We went into the town and explored a bit and then went back to the boat and all met up for a happy hour on our boat.

The next morning we pulled anchor and headed to St. Anne/Le Marin for a few days.  This would be a great spot to wait for a weather window and we needed to get the dogs to the vet while we were here.

On a side note Martinique is a great provisioning stop.  They have great prices on food and also have a huge sporting store that has great prices and tons of things you don’t need but may want.  We stopped at their sporting store and large grocer to provision when we took the dogs to the vet for their health certificate for Grenada.  Yep, that’s right we are getting closer to our summer destination.  More on that in another post.  Where was I ?  Oh yeah, St. Anne.

St. Anne

This anchorage in St. Anne’s is shallow for a long ways so you can anchor farther out and still be quite shallow.  The little town is idyllic.  One of my favorite patesieres is here.  It is just down on the right hand side from the dock.  They make delicious crossiants and pain au chocolates.  The best part is they make them in mini form so you can buy 5 for 3 euros I think and have them as a quick little snack or breakfast.  Simply delicious! 

I can’t wait to come back here. There are some very beautiful resurants/bars overlooking the beautiful bay.  We stopped in one that made their own homemade lemonade.  Has to be some of the best lemonade I have had since we started cruising.

Le Marin

We rented the car for a few days so one day we went into the town of Le Marin.  This little spot is full of chandleries, marina, charters, etc.  Drove over and spent the day looking in all the shops and picking up some items that we had been looking for.  We wandered around for quite awhile and then headed back to St Anne’s.

We will defiantly be back to these two places when we head back north at the end of the season.  What a beautiful little spot.  Our weather window has opened up and it is time to head for St. Luicia tomorrow.



One comment on “Two Cities and A Quaint Little Bay

  1. Thanks again for sharing Jill. I can just imagine being there from your emails.
    Wonderful adventure.
    Fall has come to Minnesota. Brrrr. Wishing we were starting spring again.
    Stay safe.

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