
We Are Off On Another Adventure

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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Our next adventure is about to begin.  The babysitters have arrived for our Fur-Kids, we have packed, packed some more and maybe repacked a bit more.

Now, we are heading to the airport to board our flight to Nassau.  Once we arrive there we will pick up our boat for a week of sailing in the Exumas.

You are probably thinking Back Up!  How did we get here already?  And why haven’t you talked about it?  To be honest, the time has flown by and we have been so busy looking at boats and things we need for that next adventure and dealing with some health issues in our family that it slipped my mind.  But, here we are heading to the Bahamas.

This is a big trip for me as we are celebrating my 40th Birthday!  Wow!  I can’t believe where the time has gone.  A little backstory on why we picked this place.  Frankly, it was for the Pigs! WHAT???? PIGS???  Let me explain.  I have an artificial pig valve in my heart and ever since I received it I have been a little partial to pigs.  Family members have gotten me gifts, nicknames, etc., relating to pigs.  Needless to say, we found out about this island a few years back and then when we were looking for where to go Pig Beach popped up in my Pinterest feed.    We thought how cool would that be turning 40 and swimming with pigs.  That is pretty unique wouldn’t you say?  So, off we go swimming with the pigs, sailing, and most importantly relaxing and in enjoying the beautiful view.

Because we are going to be in an area of the Bahamas that is pretty untouched we are not sure what our wifi will look like.  I am hoping to be able to post but if not hopefully I can at least post on facebook.  If you haven’t been to our facebook page check us out and like us!  This way you can follow along with our adventures.

We’re Going Sailing!!!