
We Finally Caught Our First Fish!

Last Updated on October 19, 2023 by Jill

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After enjoying the Junakoo Festival the night before we decided to head out of Hatchett Bay for Rock Sound.  The sail to Rock Sound started out a little rougher than we had hoped.  We sailed most of the way and made pretty good time.  After dropping the hook we decided to head into the town with the puppies eat lunch, and explore a bit of Rock Sound.

Rock Sound

After a very exciting dinghy ride into town, we stopped first for a bite to eat.    It was a great meal right on the water.  With our bellies full we started walking around the area.  It was a quiet little town with things spread out and not much open or still in business.  The afternoon was pretty hot so after checking out everything we headed back to the boat.  After a bit of discussion, it was decided that we should move on in the morning.  Governors Harbor was a neat place that we didn’t get to check out that much.  When we had stopped in there before it was Christmas eve and a lot of things were closed for the holiday.  Governors Harbor is the Capital of Eleuthera with an interesting city, several beautiful beaches and plenty to see and explore.  We decided to spend more time there than here in Rock Sound.  We felt like we had seen it other than the other restaurants in the town.

The sail back to Governors Harbor was beautiful and exciting.  We finally caught our first fish!!  After looking at our fish book it was determined that we had landed a little tunny.   A little Tunny is in the tuna family.  You can identify it by the wavy lines on its back and several spots around the pectoral fin. We have been using the  Sport Fish of the Gulf of Mexico Book by Vic Dunawayir?t=anotheradven01 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0936240180  It has great info and has been a really great resource for us so far.  Dave fileted the fish and we grilled it for a little tuna appetizer.  It wasn’t enough fish for a full meal for 3 grown adults but a perfect afternoon appetizer.

Governors Harbor

On the left side of the anchorage, there is a small resort with a restaurant named 1648 Bar and Grille.  It sits up overlooking the water with a beautiful view.  After already eating at a few of the places in town we headed over there in the dinghy for lunch.  The food is AMAZING!  We really enjoyed the view as well and came back another time to enjoy it all.  I would recommend this place to everyone.  The Lobster Pizza is especially divine.  They also make a great strawberry Mojito!


Music Concert

That evening we were sitting up top enjoying a sundowner when we started to hear some sort of music.  As time went on it was getting more and more regular and louder.  After a bit of chit chat, Dave and I decided to go check it out.  We got the dinghy gassed up and ready to go and then the music just stopped.  What a bummer!  However,  a short while later it picked up again and got louder.  At that point, we decided to stay on the boat and not check it out.  Interestingly the music party would go on until 4 am when I finally heard Thank you all and have a great night!  Hallelujah!! Finally, we can get some sleep.

The next morning we ate back at the 1648 restaurant and talked to several other people who heard the music.  One lady called the front desk of the resort.  They told her it was a Jamaican Rapper who didn’t take the stage until 1 a.m.  Wow!  I guess we missed out on the rapper!  It makes sense why he played till 4 am now.  The rest of the day we relaxed and planned our route for Monday.  In the morning we would run into town check out a couple of shops that were closed today.  Then head back to the boat pull up the anchor and head out.

Until next week,


One comment on “We Finally Caught Our First Fish!

  1. Thanks again for sharing your trip adventures
    It is very interesting to read
    Travel safely
    Mona Meurer

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