
Weekend Blue Water Cruising Presentation

Last Updated on October 18, 2023 by Jill

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This weekend we got to attend a really great presentation “Blue Water Cruising in the South Pacific”.  It was presented by Tony and Gail Wessendorff they discussed their sailing from French Polynesia to New Zealand.  It was done really well and very interesting.  They went through the boat they own and also did a question and answer at the end along with details on their fabulous trip.

We were given a flyer with a map of their travels and then info about the areas on the back, which I thought was really nice.

Some of the highlights they discussed where:
1. Storms they encountered and how they obtain their weather forecasts.
2. Diving with sharks on the shark wall.
3. All the different kind of species of fish that they encountered.
4. The people and different cultures on the different islands.

They also have their own blog and you can check it out here.  We really enjoyed it and it turns out they have done a couple of these presentations before.   When they have another one we will defiantly go.

The rest of the weekend we finalized boats that we want to view at the boat show this weekend and made sure we had appointments set up for all of them.  We are 3 days away from the boat show and my excitement is starting to really build.  I can’t wait to tell you all about what we saw and learned.

Have a great week,